Monday, June 23, 2008

Going Through the "Big D"

And I do mean digital. Yes boys and girls I bit the bullet because Kitten, as much as I love her, is not so reliable any more. Faithful tank that she was, she is now a stunning shelf sitter, a beautiful example of Canon's attention to aesthetics.

It must be said that a photo junky with an economic stimulus check in her hand is a dangerous, dangerous thing. I don't think ebay is quite what the fed had in mind when they handed me that check, but it's okay. I was cruising for an old 1Ds MkI but apparently everyone else had the same check in their hand and they went from selling for $1k to $1500. Ouch. I then turned my gaze to a 20D but those were in my book over-priced and I didn't want the lame EFs lenses they were coming with.

Despite the fact that I never like to agree with Wade, he did make a good suggestion. I picked up an old D60 (yes that was a Canon model before Nikon came out with a D60) that was selling with a 28-135mm IS lens. I couldn't argue with the price, the lens was worth more than the high bid, so I waited until the last minute and bid like a mad woman.

A holiday interfered with the joyous arrival of my new baby, but a few days later, there she was. I gleefully cut open the box and dug through the packing peanuts. Just peaking out of them was the beautiful Canon logo I know and love. I was giddy, for a moment.

For some reason I just can't get that excited about her. I think I've taken all of 6 pictures since it arrived a month ago. Of course getting totally cheated and robbed by the F&M didn't help her lack of use. I don't know what it is, but I still feel this strange devotion to Kitten. I took the White Tiger (70-200mm f2.8L) off Kitten the other day to put on TW (that's the new kid's name, short for Training Wheels) and I felt terrible. I know it's only metal, plastic, and electrical circuits but I am convinced she has feelings!

Right now Kitten is sitting on the shelf, staring at me. I'm sure I can see a pained look in her pentaprism. I know she just wants to go shoot some chrome, like old times. She longs for the feel of my hand held snugly under her palm grip. She'd give anything to be in a dusty rodeo arena again. My heart breaks to see her sit there. I just wish I could justify the repair cost amidst arguments to "get with the times."

I'm here with the times, but like the crusty old men playing gin at the bar, I miss the good old days.

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